Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pick your climate!

Wonderful Rainbow Country as we sit on the edge between the rain forest and dry forest!

Costa Rica is a very diverse country especially when it comes to weather and country side.  There are 13 climatic zones in Costa Rica ranging from Tropical Dry Forest to Rain Forest with a lot of choices in between.  You need not travel far to experience the change in climate  This morning we left our mountain home near Rincon de La Vieja National Park.  Last night had been quite cool and we slept with a fairly heavy quilt.  This morning we got up to light rain, wind and cool - very refreshing but cool enough for a sweater and to put on the electric heater to take off the chill. I guess we Canadians are getting thin blood:-) We once lived in High Level, Alberta near the 60th parallel where the temperature in winter often dropped to below minus 40 C or F in the winter so the 20 degrees centigrade this morning should not have bothered us.  Today was an office day for me at our REMAX Hacienda del Mar office so off we went heading to the beach.  As we drove off the rain was coming in misty waves with the wind and our Nicaragua worker was dressed warmly including  toque:-)   We could see sunshine off in the distance toward the beach so we knew we would hit the warm soon.  At about the 400 meter level or 1,312 feet ASL we hit the sun and left the cool - this was only 12 kilometers or 7 miles from the house.   The sun was warm and windows went down.  We were soon in Liberia only 21 kilometers or 13  miles from the house and we were just about ready for a/c.  We drove the final 30 kilometers to the beach with the windows down.  Once we reached the apartment for unpacking the warm air hit us and on came the apartment floor fan.  I helped unpack then drove to the office with the a/c running.  What a change in a short time and distance.  Welcome to Costa Rica where you can pick your weather - Pura Vida! 

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