Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hey its Grapefruit and Mandarin Season at the mountains!

Remember Christmas oranges when you were a kid?  When I was growing up in Canada mandarin oranges always meant Christmas was right around the corner.  At that time Canada imported them from Japan and we called them Japanese Oranges and we loved them!  Limits were put on us as these treats were expensive back then -  only 2 per day per kid!  Now that we live in paradise we can eat all the oranges per day we want!  Our neighbor has a couple of huge trees and this year they are full!  We picked 2 large pails in a matter of minutes and these oranges are delicious, when you peel one the aroma brings back the days of Christmas.  Even better we can eat all we want per day!  Lots of seeds but sweet and tasty these are  natures oranges not some genetically enhanced fruit..  Now the grapefruit are in season as well and our neighbors have trees that are laden with these natural fruits.  Now we are starting to make juice and I am sure we will make over 50 gallons this year again.   A great healthy drink that can be combined with vodka for an even healthier treat!   Do not miss an opportunity to visit the mountains when you come to Cost Rica.  Only a one hour drive and filled with adventure and tasty healthy treats. Pura Vida!

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