Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Phone Number Portability - Soon for Costa Rica!

Costa Rica residents will soon be able to take their phone number with them

November 26th, 2012  Costa Rica residents will soon be able to change telephone service providers without having to change their phone number, which is known as number portability. 
The Telecommunications Superintendence (SUTEL) has received numerous offers from companies that are interested in managing the number portability system. 
Telecordia Technologies, Informatica El Corte Ingles, Teletech D.O.O and Consorcio CESA Porting are all interested in administrating the system. A committee comprised of representatives from the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), Movistar, Claro and Tuyo Movil will be in charge of selecting the firm that will operate the system.
 If those operators do not form such a committee, SUTEL will select the company that will operate the system.
 The deadline for bids by companies that wanted to manage the system was November 9th, though no deadline has been set in the selection process.
 Eduardo Castellon, spokesperson for SUTEL, said their goal is to have the system in operation by February of 2013, but did not rule out the possibility of delays.
 The company selected to manage the system will have 3 months to put the system into operation, and one month for testing.  Given this, it would seem more likely that the service would be introduced in mid-March.
 Number portability is a now a right for telephone subscribers, established in the General Telecommunications Law.

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