Tuesday, October 23, 2012

More Scarlet Macaws in the wild!

Nicoya peninsula now has 60 more free scarlet macaws

The Nicoya peninsula now has 60 more scarlet macaws in the wilds. The birds were released at the Los Delfines golf course at Playa Tambor near Paquera on the east shore of the peninsula.

The birds were raised by the Asociación Pro Conservación de la Lapa Roja. The scarlet macaw (Ara macao) is a threatened bird, but it also is one of the signature birds of Costa Rica. In fact, Los Delfines even has such a bird on the front page of its Web site.

The Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía said that several
government officials were present at the release, including José Lino Chaves of the ministry.

The birds were raised from chicks locally. The largest population of scarlet macaws, of course, is in the undeveloped Osa peninsula.

The association has been working to protect the birds for at least 15 years. This is not the first time that a group was released in the same area. The association also works to reforest areas.

The birds live in holes in trees, so the group also constructed bird-friendly houses that are hoisted up to a safe height.

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