Friday, September 21, 2012

Expanding Family!

                                                           Candy - Our Rescue Pup
                                                  Argos and Deca - our older family members
Our family in the mountains continues growing.  A couple of weeks ago friends of ours found little Candy wandering the streets of their community.  They asked us if we knew of anyone who needed a dog up in the mountains near our farm.  Well I guess you can see the answer!  Candy now joins Argos and Deca as beloved family members.  When we sent her picture to our daughter, Ryan her husbands only comment wsa "part rabbit".  She certainly has big ears but the German Shepard influence is very apparent.  She has made herself at home and fits right in with the other dogs.  Although she seems to like the chickens - too much!  We will have to be vigilant or our egg production will drop off:-)  Candy was very skinny and weak when we rescued her but she is rapidly gaining strength and putting on a little weight.  We will keep you posted.  Pura Vida!

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